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MoMs is for the entire family, it is not limited to just moms.  But you know us moms, we take over everything when it comes to our loved ones.  All family members and friends are WELCOME.


“A house divided can not stand.”  So stated Abraham Lincoln as he considered what was at stake as he led the war to preserve the union.  


**This document establishes the principles and membership information of MoMs USA, a group of individuals dedicated to the support of the men and women of the United States Military.  We seek members with a common interest consistent with these founding principles so that we will not be a house divided and thereby focus our energy and efforts on a common purpose with a common interest for a common good.


  • Members of MoMs USA believe that the success and safety of the men and women of the United States Military is dependent upon their morale.


  • Members of MoMs USA believe that the grace, protection and the presence of God in the lives of our military is also necessary to their success and safety.


  • Members of MoMs USA believe that the people of the United States have a controlling influence on the morale of the United States Military based on the extent and nature of their support for them as individuals and support for what they do.


  • Members of MoMs USA believe that the men and women of the United States Military are engaged in a war on worldwide terrorism and that we honor them and are grateful that there are such men and women in America who have willingly placed themselves between us and those who would take our liberty and our lives.


  • Members of MoMs USA believe in the constitutional right to free speech and, in many cases, their sons and daughters have, are or will defend that right with their very lives.  We believe that the right to speak requires responsibility for the consequences of one’s words.

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